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Reiki Classes

Discover the profound healing potential of Reiki and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with our comprehensive training courses.

I’m excited to announce Reiki Classes this Spring and early summer for both Level I and Level II.


Reiki has been in my life since 2011. I used to receive Reiki treatments weekly for the period of almost a year after a major transition in my career and life and I loved every moment of it! I always felt at peace, often fell asleep during a session and had some resolve after each session. I felt like I was moving in the right direction with all the changes happening in my life  and returning back to my wholeness. 


Reiki reappeared in my life in 2018 and I received my Level I training in Usui Reiki. There are many lineages of Reiki but the lineage I studied is a Japanese lineage of Reiki that was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui. 

Level I training is about learning how to give yourself Reiki, understanding energy, the laws of working with energy and the importance of clearing your field of energy before working on anyone else. Level I also helps you experience and understand how your energy feels and allows you to help yourself remove and recalibrate physical, emotional and mental emotional blocks from the body’s chakra systems. In Reiki we work with rebalancing the 7 main chakra systems in the body: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown.


Each system relates to different physical areas of the body and rules different emotions within the emotional and physical body. Reiki also works on the spiritual body, since the reiki energy is transmitted through universal spiritual wisdom, the crown and out the hands using certain symbols to call on the healing energy of Reiki. The Reiki practitioner is merely a vessel. Reiki goes where it is needed. 


Rei refers to Universal spiritual wisdom and Ki represents the vital life force. Reiki can do no harm. It’s a complementary modality to any healing practice.


In Level II training, the student has had at least 21 days of self healing work before their Level II class. In Level II we will expand on the reaches of working with Reiki energy to others (family, friends, clients, plants, animals) and transmitting Reiki long-distance.


We’ll continue to delve into the various aspects of working with Reiki and will be adding some extra materials from my own experience with working with energy for the last 16 years. 

Sign Up

There are two opportunities for each level course: 


Level I - March 23, 24 or May 18, 19

Level II - April 20, 21 or June 22, 23

Level I

Level I - $311, Register by March 1st for Early Bird Pricing $261 (Save $50) 

Spaces limited to 5 people in person and 5 virtual. 

Last day to sign up is March 11th


Register by May 1st for the May 18th and 19th class, Early Bird Pricing is $261 (Save $50) 

Spaces limited to 5 people in person and 5 virtual. 

Last day to sign up is May 4th

Level II

Level II - $377, Register by June 3rd for Early Bird Pricing $327

(Save $50) 

Spaces limited to 5 people in person and 5 virtual 

Last day to sign up is April 10th


Register by June 3rd for the June 22/23rd class for Early Bird Pricing is $327 (Save $50) 

Spaces limited to 5 people in person and 5 virtual 

Last day to sign up is June 12th.

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